Thursday, March 5, 2009

Catching Up

10 years is fast approaching. We are trying to finalize plans for the reunion this year. Right now we are looking at having a relatively casual get together in September (the weekend of Street Fair) likely at someone's home (to be determined shortly) with a barbecue or carry-in or something of that nature. We figure this will be cheaper and there will be fewer regulations on food and drink. In the meantime I have decided to make a post to try and get some open dialogue going with classmates. Have fun with it, and fill out the following questionnaire.
1. Name
2. Married, engaged, taken, single, divorced
4. Spouse/Significant Other Name
3. Kids, names and ages
4. Occupation
5. Location
6. Most exciting thing to happen since graduation
7. College(s) attended
8. Degree(s) obtained
9. Are you where you expected to be at our 10 year mark? Explain.
10. What would your ideal 10 year reunion be?
11. Do you anticipate attending our 10 year?
12. Where do you see yourself in another 10 years?
13. Best high school memory?
14. Biggest regret in high school?
15. Favorite teacher?

Have fun with your answers, it is just a way for us to try to reconnect with each other after 10 years, more to come as we figure more things out! Thanks!



Karena said...

Sorry for my lousy numbering of the original are my answers to get you started. :)

1. Karena (Runyon) Schroeder
2. married
3. Jason Schroeder
4. yes, Brady - 14 months
5. Physical Therapist
6. Bluffton, IN
7. my son
8. University of Indianapolis
9. Bachelor of Science in Biology, Doctorate of Physical Therapy
10. yes, married, kids, good job
11. Not too expensive and good class turnout
12. yes
13. more kids, more money, more free time (hopefully-but likely just wishful thinking :))
14. Most of them involve something with Hilarie at Casey or Jon's house:)
15. Taking it too seriously
16. Mrs. Ballinger

Unknown said...

1. Brian Cogar
2. Married
3. Jenessa Cogar
4. none
5. Dairy Inspector
6. Anderson IN
7. Outside of marriage buying our first house
8. Purdue
9. MS Animal Sciences
10. Not exactly the career I was shooting for but I really enjoy my job now.
11. A cookout sounds like a grand idea
12. Yes
13. I hate to guess
14. Summer road trips with Steffen, Kyle, Schwartz, Agee, and Drew
15. Not being involved as much as I could have
16. Mrs. Chaney

Unknown said...

1. Ian Pommer
2. married
3. Amy (Alberding) Pommer
4. yes, Nolan - 7 months
5. Retail General Manager
6. Muncie, IN
7. the birth of my son
8. IPFW, University of St Francis
9. BA in Computer Art
10. Yes, married, job, kid, and tons of baseball to be watched
11. everyone attending this year, along with homemade food, (bbq is a great idea), great drinks, and some street fair
12. My wife and I will be attending
13. Continuing to teach my son life lessons along with giving great baseball knowledge
14. Baseball MVP senior year along with Kelly Broyles & I doing the Fresh Prince and Carlton dance after walking out after graduation
15. I don't think I have a regret
16. Mr. Garton

Chandra said...

1. Chandra DeNap
2. married
3. B.J. Whetstine
4. not yet
5. Grad Student, studying Diplomacy and International Relations
6. Maplewood, NJ
7. going to China as a Peace Corps Volunteer
8. University of Indianapolis, Seton Hall University
9. BA in Theatre, MA in Diplomacy and International Relations (expected May 2010)
10. no, but this is better than expected
11. casual, not too expensive, and one I can make it to
12. yes
13. kids, a good job either here or abroad
14. having everything ahead of us
15. worrying too much about grades
16. Mrs. Kreigh

Anonymous said...

1. Susan Barth
2. single
3. n/a
3. none
4. Physical Therapist
5. Portland,OR
6. Finished my PT degree; running through college and post-collegiate; moving to Portland
7. Marquette University
8. BS in Exercise Science; Doctorate of Physical Therapy
9. No, Oregon wasn't a thought in high school and I thought I would be a pediatric PT, but now I love geriatrics.
10. Lots of people; casual setting; just hanging out and catching up
11. No, I am going to Ireland at the end of September so I won't be able to fly back to Bluffton around that time.
12. Only time will tell.
13. I have a lot of good memories. Most of them are just little "normal" things. I remember being very comfortable there.
14. No big regrets. I do wish I had taken Spanish instead of German. That would be a lot more usefull now.
15. We had a lot of good teachers who really cared a lot about the students. I don't think I can pick one.

Anonymous said...

1. Jennifer Krinn (Rains)
2. Married
3. Troy Krinn
4. Yep~Alyssa almost 2
5. City Court Clerk
6. Bluffton
7. Marriage, daughter & moving back to Bluffton.
9. Elementary Education
10. Yes.
11. Great turn out of old classmates and friends.
12. Probably.
13. Another child and very happy.
14. Being carefree with no responsibilities and all my friends.
15. Not taking it serious enough. College would have been easier.
16. Mrs. Kreigh

Chrissy Flowers- Arnold said...

1. Chrissy Flowers-Arnold
2. married
3. Josh Arnold
4. yes 2 boys Kendall - 8 & Kaidenn - 6
5. stay at home mom and student
6. Decatur, IN
7. husband, sons & building our dream home!
8. Masters of Cosmetology
9. studying Esthetics will be done in January of 2010
10. I've done way more than I expected, family, new home, farming business & now schooling!
11. Have fun with the class of 99' and catch up!
12. yes!
13. probably just enjoying life & traveling more with my husband since we will very close to having an empty nest.
14. Mr. Baker's algebra class, we had a lot of free time to talk and a lot of funny conversations.
15. my biggest regret would be not spending more time with my own classmates!
16. Mr. Garton! of course!