Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Hey Everyone,
I have had a lot of inquiries about the reunion lately so I thought I would send out a mass email updating everyone on our progress. As of right now the plan is to have a reunion as an open house out at Tricia's mom's house. There is a lot of parking and plenty of room for everyone to hang out there. We plan on keeping things pretty low key and casual. Thank you to everyone who has offered up suggestions, if anything falls through we may be contacting you later. We are also planning on having the reunion Saturday afternoon the week of street fair. The thinking behind this is that a lot of people come into town that week for street fair anyway so it will get more people to the reunion than the 5 year. We are planning for the afternoon that way people can come and go as they please, if people are having a good time they can stay late into the night, if people want to go up to the fair after a while they can, or if people want to go throughout the night, they can too. I hope this isn't too long and rambling, but just throwing the ideas out to everyone. This will again be low key, we are planning on having pop and a keg to drink, we are likely going to have some finger food and people are welcome to bring any food and drink they wish. We will be able to hammer out more details about cost and food and drink later. As of right now, all food and drink will be provided on a voluntary basis so we are not planning on having much cost if any per person. We will likely take donations or something to begin a fund for the 15 or 20 year depending on what people's interest is for that at the time and also take names and addresses for anyone willing to help out with the planning for that. I will be collecting addresses and sending out invitations toward the end of summer. If there are any other questions, I will do my best to answer them. I look forward to seeing you guys in a few months.


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